Ivanov Valerij Vladimirovich (RU),Иванов Валерий Владимирович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to pediatric dentistry and surgical dentistry, and can be used for conductive anesthesia of the mandibular nerve for dental anesthesia on the lower jaw for treatment and operation of their removal in children. For this purpose, the syringe is placed parallel to the dental closure line in anticipation of the oral cavity with retraction of the cheek and angle of the mouth, the prick in the middle of the wing-jaw fold, when moving inward without changing direction, we slide along the inner surface of the lower jaw branch and release a small amount of anesthetic for hydropreparation of tissues with deposition of the main amount of solution at depth of 1.5–2.0 cm in the area of the mandibular opening for deactivation of the mandibular nerve and teeth of the corresponding half of the lower jaw, and the remainder is when the syringe is removed to eliminate sensitivity of the areas innervated by the lingual and buccal nerves. Method allows reducing the injuries of the conductive anesthesia and the probability of infecting the injection canal, eliminating the injuries of the mandibular artery and vein, mandibular, lingual and buccal nerves, using the method not blindly, but using the anatomical landmarks.EFFECT: method is characterized by considerably shorter duration of manipulation, low risk of intravascular introduction of an anesthetic solution, reduced unpleasant sensations during administration of the preparation, higher efficacy of anesthesia in children.1 cl, 3 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии детской и стоматологии хирургической, и может быть использовано для проводниковой анестезии нижнечелюстного нерва при обезболивания зубов на нижней челюсти для лечения и операции их удаления у детей. С этой целью шприц располагаем параллельно линии смыкания зубов в преддверии полости рта с ретракцией щеки и угла рта, вкол осуществляем в середину крыло-челюстной складки, при продвижении в