Medizinische, insbesondere zahnmedizinische Membrane zur Regeneration und/oder Induzierung von Gewebe, insbesondere von paradontalem Gewebe und zur Verwendung in direktem Knochen- oder Bindegewebekontakt.Medical or dental membrane (6) for regenerating and/or inducing tissue, preferably periodontal tissue and for use in direct bone- or connective tissue contact, which is formed of at least two layers, comprises at least two outer structures, of which at least one structure is at least partially provided with endogenous bone cells and/or desmodontal cells, structures and/or cell information, and at least one intervening intermediate structure having several fibers. An independent claim is also included for a dental implant (1) comprising an implant body (3) and the membrane provided to the implant body, where the membrane covers at least one portion of the outer surface of the implant body.