Yi Seed plant cultures are set with from Move Pouring water Pouring Fei Installed, Department Will send the flow pipe outlet water at tail end oral area of moisture and liquid fertilizer for Lose, the hollow Pouring water elements of Jie Let mono-, The Pouring water element Zhong Tao Let have one with saturating Gas Ji Seepage water effects water adsorbent element, make The water adsorbent element get Bei Let set cultivation soil in or the positions Shang Fang Fitness When, And and the domains inclined Fabric to Zheng Ge Seed Zai District, ?with the limitation of the general not Shou Mian Plot of Fan Wai Wide and landform, it is acted on by The water adsorbent element Seepage water, Bi Da are to entirely from Moveization Pouring water Pouring fertilizer effects, And can effectively the water sources Festival Approximately, more substantially Janeization manpower, phase Right promotes working efficiency, the big sharp weapon of one of As Green Neng Ring Bao Productivity industry.一種植物栽培用自動澆水澆肥裝置,係將可供輸送水分及液態肥料之送水管末端出水口部,接設一中空澆水元件,在該澆水元件中套設有一具有透氣及滲水作用之吸水元件,使該吸水元件得被設置在栽培土中或上方適當位置,並且偏佈至整個種栽區域,運用範圍廣泛不受面積及地形之限制,藉由該吸水元件之滲水作用,俾達到全自動化澆水澆肥功效,並能有效節約水源,更大幅簡化人力,相對提升工作效率,為綠能環保產業之一大利器。