Method of use of coffee chaff as energy resource enables continuous and controlled use and burning of coffee chaff in energetic purposes, using available equipment in the coffee baking/roasting process and turning waste into energy resource. Method does not demand extra investments in primary part of coffee processing- baking/roasting, because it is precondition for coffee processing industry. Method consists from thermic processing of coffee in the roaster (1), transport of the chaff over the fan of aspirator (2) to cyclone chaff aspirator (3) in which chaff is separated and then transported to briquette or pellet in order to compress mass density and deposit in the storage (5). Briquette or pellet of the coffee chaff is crumbled (6) so that it can be inserted in the receiving basket (8) wherefrom chopped up particles go to the dispenser (10) and then to furnace (11) for combustion. Warm water from primary exchanger–furnace (11) flows thorough heat exchanger on the secondary (12) using a pump (13), from which heat energy is further distributed to heat energy users (14).Postupak korišćenja kafene plevice kao energenta omogućava kontinualno i kontrolisano iskorišćenje i sagorevanje kafene plevice u energetske svrhe, koristeći dostupnu opremu u postupku prženja/pečenja kafe i pretvarajući otpad u energent. Postupak ne zahteva dodatna ulaganja u primarnom delu procesa obrade kafe - prženja/pečenja, jer je ona preduslov za industriju prerade kafe. Postupak se sastoji od termičke obrade kafe u pržioniku (1), transporta plevice preko ventilatora (2) aspiracije do ciklona (3) aspiracije plevice u kojem se vrši odvajanje plevice, a potom transportuje do briketirke ili peletirke radi sabijanja zapreminske mase i odlaganja u skladište (5). Briket ili pelet kafene plevice se drobi (6) radi ulaska u prijemni koš (8) odakle usitnjena ide do dozotora (10) i potom u ložište kotla (11) na sagorevanje. Topla voda iz primarnog izmenjivača - kotla (11) prolazi kroz izmenjivač toplote