transmission mechanism arrangement for bulk or fertilizer farm trailer unloading system. The model refers to the arrangement in transmission mechanism for unloading agricultural bulk trailer and / or fertilizer system, aiming to extend the service life of the transmission mechanism, making it unscath the friction and corrosion actions caused, respectively, by grains and fertilizers. the model consists of "enclosing", "sealing" or "shielding" the angular motion transmission mechanism (3), configuring a "sealed angular motion transmission box" (4) by introducing walls (41 ) at an angle (beta), concentric and externally "enclosing", "sealing" or "shielding" said transmission mechanism (3), and on the 1st stage side (11) between said terminal (31) and said connector (16) on said ferrule (15), an inner bearing (42) and bearing (43) are inserted into said wall (41) and a closure cap (44) with internal sealing felt (45), whereas on the 2nd stage side (12), between said terminal (32) and the end of said cylindrical base (21), a closing cap (46) is inserted between the wall (41) and the base ( 21), whereas at the other end of said base (21), between the bearing (20) and the pull terminal of said ferrule (18), a closure cap (44) is inserted with felt inner sealing ring (45).disposição em mecanismo de transmissão para sistema de descarga de carreta agrícola graneleira ou de fertilizantes. o modelo refere-se à disposição em mecanismo de transmissão para sistema de descarga de carreta agrícola graneleira e/ou de fertilizantes, objetivando aumentar a vida útil do mecanismo de transmissão, tornando-o incólume as ações de atrito e de corrosão causados, respectivamente, pelos grãos e fertilizantes. o modelo consiste no "enclausuramento", na "vedação" ou na "blindagem" do mecanismo de transmissão angular de movimento (3), configurando uma "caixa selada de transmissão de movimento angular" (4), através da introdução de paredes (41) em ângulo (beta), concêntricas e externamente "enclau