The invention relates to a system for measuring the ophtalmic parameters for the nearsight, the mentioned parameters being used for selecting the eyeglass lenses and for mounting the same within the eyeglass frames. According to the invention, the system consists of a device (A) for picking-up a face image of a patient (7) while this is looking at or reading a printed or written object (3) or an electronic display, of an information system (B) which processes the image and displays the measurements and of a reference device (C), provided with marks, to be mounted on the eyeglass frames (9) worn by the patient (7) during the image pick-up, where the device (A) for picking-up the image consists of a camera (1), an elastic hook (2) providing the attachment to the printed or written object (3) or to the electronic display, and of a stop (4), the hook (2) having a plane extremity (5) which covers the object (3) and whereto the camera (1) is mounted, and which is, preferably, transparent, the position of the camera (1) being, preferably, adjustable on the direction of the long sides of this plane extremity (5), and the other extremity of the hook (2) being bent towards the exterior, in order to facilitate the attachment thereof on the object (3) to be looked at or read.Invenţia se referă la un sistem pentru măsurarea parametrilor oftalmici, pentru vederea la apropiere, respectivii parametri fiind utilizaţi în selectarea lentilelor de ochelari şi montajul acestora în ramele de ochelari. Sistemul conform invenţiei este alcătuit dintr-un dispozitiv (A) de captare a unei imagini a feţei unui pacient (7), în timp ce acesta priveşte sau citeşte un obiect (3) tipărit, scris sau un afişaj electronic, dintr-un sistem informatic (B) ce prelucrează imaginea şi afişează măsurătorile, şi dintr-un dispozitiv (C) de referinţă, prevăzut cu marcaje, care se va monta pe ramele de ochelari (9) purtate de pacient (7) în timpul captării imaginii, în care dispozitivul (A) de captare a imag