The invention relates to a system for measuring the mounting parameters of the eyeglass lenses, by processing images. According to the invention, the system consists of a device (A) for picking-up face images of a patient (1) from different angles, of an information system (B) which processes the images and displays the measurements and of a reference device (C), provided with marks, to be mounted on the frames (4) of the eyeglasses worn by the patient (1) during the image pick-up, where the device (A) for picking-up images consists of a camera (2) placed at the level of the face of the patient (1) and whose optical axis has a horizontal position, a reflective glass (3), which is in a vertical position, placed in front of the camera (2), which will be used by the patient (1) for watching his reflection in the bridge area of the eyeglass frames (4), when taking a first photograph, one or two lateral mirrors (5 and 6), placed on both sides of the camera (2), at the same height as the reflective glass (3) and, preferably, at the same distance in relation to the patient (1) as the glass (3), and oriented so as to allow the patient to see comfortably in the mirrors (5 and 6) his reflection in the bridge area of the eyeglass frames (4) in order to take at least one more photograph of his face and, preferably, one or more lighting sources (7).Invenţia se referă la un sistem pentru măsurarea parametrilor de montaj ai lentilelor de ochelari, prin procesarea de imagini. Sistemul conform invenţiei este alcătuit dintr-un dispozitiv (A) de captare de imagini ale feţei unui pacient (1) din diferite unghiuri, dintr-un sistem informatic (B) ce prelucrează imaginile şi afişează măsurătorile, şi dintr-un dispozitiv (C) de referinţă, prevăzut cu marcaje, ce se montează pe ramele (4) de ochelari purtate de pacient (1) în timpul captării imaginilor, în care dispozitivul (A) de captare de imagini cuprinde o cameră (2) de luat vederi care se află la nivelul feţei pacientului (1), şi a