The device of this creation auxiliary humalactor, system is for designed by known humalactor, convenient lasting and constant temperature fomentation effect is provided by electric hot compress cushion, and it is able to cooperate various humalacter shape and makees a perfect collocation, it is not used before inhaling cream only, more can continue in use hot compress keeps mammary gland unimpeded, reduces nursing women's sense of discomfort. This creation has ergonomic designs, convenience, economy and practicability, can help the ratio for promoting nurture breast milk rapidly and extensively in conjunction with market. 本創作輔助吸乳器之裝置,係針對習知吸乳器所設計,由電熱敷墊提供方便持久且恆溫的熱敷效果,並能配合各式吸乳罩形狀作一完美搭配,不只可在吸乳前使用,更可在使用過程中持續熱敷使乳腺暢通,降低哺乳婦女不適感。本創作具有人體工學設計、便利性、經濟性及實用性,可迅速且廣泛與市場做結合,有助提升哺育母乳之比例。