PURPOSE:To preserve leaves of Magnolia obovata Thunb. in a state of fresh young leaves useful for outer skins of 'SUSHI' (vinegared rice and fish), etc., without discoloring and losing flavor or softness, by washing young leaves of Magnolia obovata Thunb. with water, dipping the washed leaves in hot water, quick cooling the dipped leaves, draining the cooled leaves, vacuum packaging the drained leaves and containing the vacuum packaged leaves in a refrigeration room. CONSTITUTION:Young leaves of Magnolia obovata Thunb. are washed with water, drained, then dipped in hot water at 90-100 deg.C for about 15(+ or -3)sec, taken out, quick cooled in cold water for about 30min, then drained, vacuum packaged in a vinyl bag, contained in a refrigeration room and preserved.