Invention herewith described refers to the process for obtaining a dietary supplement based on natural mineral water, of the above indicated mineral composition, with the addition of oligoelements as the supplement, especially chromium and selenium, where the previously mentioned process is carried out by preparing and filtering the mother solution of the supplement of specific concentration by dissolving the given compound chromium (III) chloride or sodium-selenite, setting the pump operating parameters, after confirmation of the supplement concentration by the measurement and the controlled dosing of the supplement solution in water, in a quantity that provides the required supplement concentration in the product of 100-5 &mu/l for the chromium supplement and 50-5 &mu/l of the product for the selenium supplement, homogenization by adding and mixing, and filling the provided container with the product on the filling production line.Predmetni pronalazak odnosi se na postupak dobijanja dijetetskog suplementa na bazi prirodne mineralne vode, gore naznačenog mineralnog sastava, dodatkom oligoelemenata kao suplementa, a naročito hroma ili selena, gde se pomenuti postupak odvija na način da se priprema i filtrira matični rastvor suplementa određene koncentracije, rastvaranjem datog jedinjenja Hrom-III-hlorida ili Natrijum-selenita, podešavanja radnih parametara pumpe, nakon potvrde koncentracije suplementa merenjem i kontrolisanog doziranja rastvora suplementa u vodu, u količini koja obezbeđuje traženu koncentraciju suplementa u proizvodu od 100-5 µ/1, za suplement hrom ili 50-5 µg/1 proizvoda za suplement selen, homogenizovanja umešavanjem i punjenja proizvoda na liniji punjenja u datu ambalažu.