The invention refers to the synthesis of a new glycerin 1, 1-dimethyldiguanide salt, which is called glyceraldehyde, and its purpose is to control blood sugar. This salt has an advantage over other formaldehyde salts These advantages are mainly because, in addition, antiviral itself will produce hypoglycemic effect, and hypoglycemic effect is more obvious. In addition, the absorption rate of this salt is higher, and its plasma concentration is higher than that of methylamine hydrochloride. The synthesis is carried out by using formaldehyde hydrochloride, and the hydrochloride is released.Formaldehyde released by ion-exchange column is dissolved in water, and then glycerin is added under ambient temperature and perennial disturbance. The resulting product is heated by producing concentrated product solution, The purpose of adding organic solvent is to form insoluble and crystal in saturated environment, to precipitate excessive glycerol, and to obtain glycerate after filtering and concentrating these salts. Glyceraldehyde salt has the most obvious pharmacological effect on reducing glucose content in blood.La presente invención se refiere a la síntesis de una nueva sal de Glicinato 1, 1 - dimetilbiguanid, llamada Glicinato de Metformina diseñada para el control de la glucosa en sangre. Esta sal exhibe ventajas sobre otras sales de metformina. Estas ventajas se refieren, en primer lugar, al hecho de que el contraión exhibe efectos hipoglucemientes por sí mismos, el efecto hipoglucemiente es más pronunciado. Además esta sal exhibe una mejor absorción, alcanzando una concentración plasmática más alta que aquella producida con clorhidrato de metfromina. La síntesis se llevó a cabo a partir de clorhidrato de metformina liberando el contraión hidrocloruro, usando una columna de intercambio iónico, la metformina liberada se disolvió en medio acuoso y subsecuentemente se adicionó glicina a temperatura ambiente y agitación constante, el producto resultante se calienta produci