There has been a need to provide a green tea beverage packed in a containerwhich makes it possible to sense a deep aroma passing through the nasal cavitywhenthe beverage is drunk cold, in particular even when time has passed since thecontainerwas opened and the beverage temperature has increased and become lukewarm. Thepresent invention provides a green tea beverage packed in a container whichmakes itpossible to sense a deep aroma passing through the nasal cavity when thebeverage isdrunk cold, in particular even when time has passed since the container wasopened andthe beverage temperature has increased and become lukewarm, by adjusting theratio(SSS/SS) of the concentration of settleable suspended solids (SSS) to theconcentrationof suspended solids (SS) in the green tea beverage to 0.07 to 0.48 andadjusting the ratio(sucrose/sugars) of the concentration of sucrose to the concentration ofsugars, which isthe sum of the concentration of monosaccharide and the concentration ofdisaccharide,to 0.74 to 0.94.