JUNG, Sung Youb,JANG, Myung Hyun,SHEN, Ling Ai,PARK, Young Kyung,PARK, Young Jin,KWON, Se Chang
1. Referring to the ecstasy containing the following carbamate sequence: r1-x1-x2-gtfsd-x3-x4-x5-x6-x7-x8-x9-x10-x11-x12-x13-x14-x15-x16-x17-x18-x19-x20-x21-x22-x23-x24-r2, wherein R1 is histidina, demanodididigidlo, demetrillo (n-demetridihydro),Among other things, X1 is AIB (acido aminosobutic),d-alanina,glicina,sar(n-methyglicina),SERINA or d-serina; X2 is glucoside or glucose; X3 is leukaemia or thyroid; X4 is SERINA or alanina; X5 is lysine or argina; X6 is glucose or thyroid; X7 is leukaemia or thyroxine; X8 is aspartico or acido glutamic; x9 is glucoside, SERINA, α - methylgluconate or this inhibition; X10 is glucose, acid salt, mildew, fungus, mildew, fungus, fungus. Aginina, SERINA, or delete; X11 is alanina, aginina, valina, or delete; X12 is alanina, aginina, SERINA, valina, or delete; x13 is lysine, glutamine, aginina, acido alpha metallic, or delete; x14 is acido aspartico, acido glutamic, leucina, or delete; x15 is phenylalanina, or delete; x16 is isofluorooctanoic acid,Diazepam or deletion; x17 is alachlor, Sistine, gluconic acid, lysine, glutamic acid, α - methylglutamic acid or deletion; x18 is tributylaryl or deletion; X19 is alachlor, isofluorooctanoic acid, leukemia, serine, diazepam or deletion; X20 is alachlor, lysine, formic acid, thyroxine, glutamic acid, argina or deletion; X21 is asparagin or deletion; X22 It is alachlor, glycerin, propylene glycol or the deletion; x23 is Cistine, lysine or the deletion; x24 is a cucumber containing 2 to 10 amino groups, consisting of alachlor, glycerin and SERINA, or the deletion; R2 is krrnnia (SEQ ID No: 32),GPSSGAPPS(SEQ ID No.33),There are others This cucumber is an oxygen modulation derivative that can activate the type 1 glucose (clp-1) capsicum receptor and glucose receptor; it is better than the native oxygen modulation because it can reduce food intake, inhibit gastrointestinal emptying, and promote lipolysis without reducing side effects, It also shows good receiver triggering; therefore, it can