The invention relates to a fodder recipe for broiler chicken, which influences the production of meat enriched in polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. According to the invention, for the growth and finishing stages, respectively, the recipe consists of 50.22% and 59.61% corn, respectively 35.54% and 23.26% soya grist, respectively, 2% sea-buckthorn grist, 2.20% and 8%, respectively, flaxseed grist, 5.04 and 2.41%, vegetable oil, respectively, 0.13 % and 0.36%, respectively, lysine 0.29% and 0.32%, respectively, methyonine, 0.05% choline, 1.58% and 1.45% calcium carbonate, respectively 1.21% and 1.15%, respectively, dicalcic phosphate, salt and 1% vitamin-mineral mixture, having a content of α linolenic acid of 3.89g/100 g of total fatty acids and 9.48 g/100 of total fatty acids, respectively, the percentage being expressed by weight.Invenţia se referă la o reţetă furajeră pentru pui de carne, ce determină obţinerea de carne îmbogăţită în acizi graşi polinesaturaţi ω 3. Reţeta conform invenţiei este constituită pentru faza de creştere, respectiv, finisare, în procente masice, din 50,22%, respectiv, 59,61% porumb, 35,54%, respectiv, 23,26% şrot de soia, 2,00% şrot de cătină, 2,20%, respectiv, 8% şrot de in, 5,04%, respectiv, 2,41% ulei vegetal, 0,13%, respectiv, 0,36% lizină, 0,29%, respectiv, 0,32% metionină, 0,05% colină, 1,58%, respectiv, 1,45% carbonat de calciu, 1,24%, respectiv, 1,15% fosfat dicalcic, sare şi 1% amestec vitamino-mineral, având un conţinut de acid α -linolenic de 3,89 g/100 g acizi graşi totali, respectiv, 9,48 g/100 acizi graşi totali.