The invention relates to medicine, namely to ophthalmology and surgical treatment of dacryocystitis concerns. The purpose of this utility model is to increase the efficiency of the stent structure and, as a consequence, increase the efficiency dacryocystorhinostomy, minimizing and simplifying operation relapses art. Proposed stent consists of a silicone sponge with a diameter of 5 mm., Length 30 mm. episcleral used for retinal detachment surgery. At the middle and at the ends of the jaws are fixed silk ligature 3/0. Silicon sponge skeleton performs a function that allows the formation of anastomosis by holding and tamponed mucous wall to bone and soft tissues. A stent is carried in anastomosis zone through the lower nasal meatus. The upper ligature was carried out through the lower lacrimal canaliculus and is discharged outside through the lower lacrimal point. Silk ligature fixed on the forehead with a plaster. Starting from the 2nd day after surgery, washed tear path through the lower lacrimal canaliculus. Remove the stent at 7-10 days after the surgery through the nasal cavity, pulling the lower ligature. The positive effect:- Silicone sponge performs carcass function, which allows the formation of fistulas, and holding tamponed slimy wall to the bone and soft tissues.- The stent can be left in the fistula for a sufficiently long period (up to 1 month) to complete epithelialization and formation of full anastomosis.- Have the top and bottom allows you to make ligatures reposition the stent in the postoperative period, if necessary.Thus, the proposed utility model can improve the anatomical and functional parameters dacryocystorhinostomy.Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии и касается хирургического лечения дакриоцистита. Целью предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение эффективности конструкции стента и, как следствие, повышение эффективности дакриоцисториностомии, минимизация рецидивов и упрощение техники операции. Предлагаемый сте