Procedure for the realization of a hemocompatible object (6), procedure according to which: - a forming mold (7) is made that presents the configuration of said object (6); - a membrane (1) of polytetrafluoroethylene is formed to the configuration of said object (6) by heating and applying it against said forming mold (7) by means of a pressure difference generated between the two faces of said membrane (1) ; - the said membrane thus formed is cooled while maintaining it applied against said forming mold (7); and - said shaped membrane is separated from said shaped mold (7), characterized in that: - said membrane (1) is made of expanded polyterafluoroethylene that is not thermally stabilized, prior to its conformation to the configuration of said object ( 6), and whose fibers (3) do not have any preferred orientation; and - said membrane (1) is heated, during its conformation to the configuration of said object (6), to a temperature higher than the freezing point of said expanded polytetrafluoroethylene.Procedimiento para la realización de un objeto hemocompatible (6), procedimiento de acuerdo con el cual: - se realiza un molde de conformado (7) que presente la configuración del citado objeto (6); - se conforma una membrana (1) de politetrafluoroetileno a la configuración del citado objeto (6) calentándola y aplicándola contra el citado molde de conformado (7) por medio de una diferencia de presión generada entre las dos caras de la citada membrana (1); - se enfría la citada membrana así conformada al tiempo que se la mantiene aplicada contra el citado molde de conformado (7); y - se separa la citada membrana conformada del citado molde de conformado (7), caracterizado por que : - la citada membrana (1) está realizada de politerafluoroetileno expandido que no esté estabilizado térmicamente, previamente a su conformación a la configuración del citado objeto (6), y cuyas fibras (3) no presenten ninguna orientación preferente; y - la citada membrana (1) es calentada, d