The present invention is to mass-produce scorched rice in a cauldron having rice grains alive. The manufacturing method comprises spreading rice grains on a heating plate capable of being rolled; producing scorched rice by applying heat between the heating plate and rice grains while passing a heating conveyor for a predetermined time; putting pickled radish, spinach, Kimchi, egg roll, etc. on the rice as in the manufacturing method of Kimbab, rolling the heating plate and passing through a tapered circular heater to complete scorched rice. The taste of scorched rice is good when the scorched rice consists of hard scorched rice, and some rice grains attached on hard scorched rice. According to the manufacturing method of scorched rice, scorched rice with some rice grains can be manufactured. As necessary, proper side dishes are added as in Kimbab, which enables the scorched rice to be used as a convenient meal replacement.밥알이 살아있는 가마솥에서 만든 누룽지품질을 대량생산 할 수 있도록 하고자하며 제조방법은 둥굴게말리는 열판에 밥알을 얇게편후 일정시간동안 열컨베어를 거치게하여 열판과 밥알사이에 열이가해져 누룽지가 생성되게한후 김밥제조법과같이 단무지,시금치,김치,계란말이등을 밥위에 얻은후 열판을 둥글게말아 테이퍼진 원형히터를 통과시키면 누룽지밥이 완성되도록하였으며 누룽지의 맛은 딱딱하게 굳은 누룽지와 누룽지에 붙은 약간의 밥알이 있을때 제맛인데 본 제조법으로 만들면 누룽지에 적당한 밥알이 있는 누룽지를 만들수 있을뿐만아니라 필요에따라 깁밥과같이 적당한 반찬을 가미해서 만들어먹으면 간편한 식사대용으로 일품이다.