Aronov Leonid Lvovich (RU),Аронов Леонид Львович (RU)
FIELD: satisfaction of human vital needs.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to technologies and means of enabling low mobility passengers to replace direct visual perception with auditory perception. Method is realized using radio modules installed on vehicles, as well as devices worn by low-mobile users. Compass is built in radio module of vehicle to define current course of movement of said vehicle, and values of said heading are transmitted to user devices, wherein the user device also provided with the compass, at the user's command determines which course the vehicles are traveling in the associated direction, for which the user, while at the stop, has its wearable device in the direction of the carriageway, determining its location by the sound of passing vehicles or along the boundary of the landing site, and the user wearable device automatically determines the range of values of the courses of vehicles moving in the opposite direction, after which the user device, obtaining values of the current course of vehicles from all installed on them radio modules located in its coverage area, compares obtained from radio modules of vehicles values with calculated in user device values of courses of opposite direction and excludes reproduction for user of information on these vehicles.EFFECT: invention can be used for informing and orientation of low-mobility passengers during their movement on urban territory to vehicles of interest to them.1 clИзобретение относится к технологиям и средствам, дающим маломобильным пассажирам возможность замены прямого зрительного восприятия слуховым восприятием, и может быть использовано для информирования и ориентации маломобильных пассажиров при их передвижении по городской территории к интересующим их транспортным средствам. Способ реализуется с помощью установленных на транспортных средствах радиомодулей, а также носимых маломобильными пользователями устройств. В радиомодуль транспортного средства встраивают компас, определяющий текущи