The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of the continuous passive motions is to somewhat supplement the wanted Joint-Electricity to the body-or limb- segments those with difficulties or pains during active motion” is the theory that originated from “Joint-Electricity Theory”, which both were created by the present inventor, Sue-May KANG, and includes at least that tissues (especially joint-structure tissues and skeletal muscles) require to be nurtured by Joint-Electricity, and that the changes of intra-articular pressure induced by the changes of the angles of the joint(s), including those from passive motions, can generate Joint-Electricity. Accordingly, the present invention provides continuous passive changing of the angles of the target spinal joints, and, thus, triggering the continuous generation of the Joint-Electricity from the said spinal joints without the volitional effort of the user. The said apparatus can be placed under the target spinal joints, and has included an inflatable bulb, or a set of inflatable bulbs, which is alternated inflated and released in an adequate extent by an unit connecting to it for inflating and releasing air of it. Wherein, the said unit is controlled by a switch with many software-modes, which can be selected according to the user’s condition (by her or his professional therapist).根據本發明人康淑美所首創之關節電理論(Joint-Electricity Theory),人體之組織,尤其肌肉及關節結構組織,須要關節電之滋潤;關節之連續被動運動可以產生小量之關節電,而達到對主動動作困難或疼痛部位補充若干關節電之治療功效(稱為連續被動運動治療作用之機制為補充若干所缺之關節電於主動運動困難或疼痛者)。本新型之補充關節電於脊椎部位之連續被動運動治療儀器之結構:包括一可反覆充排之氣囊組,可置放於仰臥之患者之目標脊椎之下方,其連接有一充氣單元、該充氣單元設接有控制其充排之軟體模組、及一開關;使用時由其專業治療師依患者當時之狀況為之選擇最適當之軟體模組。1‧‧‧治療床2‧‧‧枕頭3‧‧‧氣囊組之某一實施例