A method of forming ready-to-eat cereal flakes comprising the steps that consist of: a.) Forming a food dough by combining in an apparatus for cooking grains and a protein isolate and cooking said food dough in said apparatus for cooking a pressure of 137895.14 to 172368.93 Pascals (20 to 25 pounds per square inch); b.) add to the food dough from stage a) water and gum acacia as processing aid and cook at 137895.14 to 172368.93 Pascals (20 to 25 psi) until the moisture content of the food dough is from 30 to 36 percent by weight, in which the acacia gum is present in an amount of at least 3% by weight; c.) remove the mass of cooked food from the cooking apparatus and then cool the mass of cooked food and dry it to a moisture content of 24 to 33 percent by weight; d.) grind the mass of cooked food through a sieve that has openings with a diameter of 0.32 to 1.59 cm (1/8 to 5/8 inch) and then dry the ground food dough again up to a moisture content of 20 to 26 percent by weight; e.) combine the mass of ground foods with legumes and more water in a cold granule former to form a combined dough and cold form said combined dough into unexpanded granules while maintaining said combined dough at a temperature of 37.78 ºC (100 [degrees] F] or lower; f.) Dry the granules to a moisture content of 14 to 21 percent by weight and then form them in flakes at a temperature of 43.33 ° C to 65.56 ° C (110 at 150 [degrees] F); and g.) dry and toast the flakes to a final moisture content of 1 to 5 percent by weight.Un método de formación de copos de cereal listos para consumir que comprende las etapas que consisten en: a.) formar una masa de alimentos combinando en un aparato para cocinar granos y un aislado proteico y cocinar dicha masa de alimentos en dicho aparato para cocinar a una presión de 137895,14 a 172368,93 Pascales (20 a 25 libras por pulgada cuadrada); b.) añadir a la masa de alimentos de la etapa a) agua y goma acacia como coadyuvante de elaboración y cocinar a 137895,14