In an apparatus for skin care, when a needle is inserted into the skin, the reduction of the fear and pain of the insertion is promoted. The drug and blood flowing out at the time of injection are vacuum-sucked and the RF high-frequency is applied, so the fat tissue around a target site is decomposed and the injected drug is well absorbed into the skin tissue around the skin. The drug is injected by using a multi-needle for injection, and at the same time, the RF high-frequency electrode is utilized, and thus, the injection of the drug and the application of the RF high frequency are carried out through a single time of injection, so the injected drug is well absorbed into the surrounding tissues.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016피부미용장치에 있어서 Needle을 피부에 삽입시 삽입에 대한 두려움과 통증 감소를 도모하며 주사시 유출되는 약물과 혈액을 진공 흡입하고 Needle에 RF 고주파를 인가하여 표적 부위의 지방 조직을 분해함과 동시에 주입된 약물이 주변 피부조직에 잘 흡수되도록 하는데 Multi-Needle을 Injection용으로 사용하여 약물을 주입하며 동시에 RF고주파 전극으로 활용하여 한번의 주사시 약물을 투입하고 동시에 RF고주파를 조사하여 주입된 약물이 주변 조직에 잘 흡수되도록 한다