A device for tying a harpoon to harpoon guns for spearfishing and can be used in sport fishing. The harpoon binding device comprises a runner 5 connected to the line 4 and put on the harpoon 3 when charging, a line winding device consisting of a front casting bracket 6 and a rear casting bracket 7. The runner 5 is made in the form of a sleeve with a fixing eye 8. To the runner 5 a shock-absorbing end section of line 4 is connected, threaded integrally without breaking through a tubular shock absorber 9, the ends of which are rigidly fastened to line 4. The whole line section located in the tubular shock absorber 9 has an excess length compared to the length of the pipes atogo suspension. The connection of the runner 5 with the line 4, as well as the fastening of the rubber tube of the tubular shock absorber 9 with the line 4, is carried out by means of coupling loop hooks 10. The coupling loop 10 is made in the form of a coupling loop eye formed by symmetrically arranged two branches of a curved rod in contact with each other along a generatrix moreover, at one end of the branches in the place of the bend a loop eye is made for anchoring 11, and at the other end of the branches there is a hook-on device in the form of an end spiral 12 for a tubular shock absorber 9 and in the form of a looping eye 13 for connection with a runner 5. The technical result is an increase in performance and service life, as well as ease of repair and maintenance during operation.Устройство для привязки гарпуна к оснастке гарпунных ружей для подводной охоты и может быть использовано в спортивном рыболовстве. Устройство для привязки гарпуна содержит соединенный с линем 4 бегунок 5, надеваемый при зарядке на гарпун 3, приспособление для намотки линя, состоящее из передней линесбросной скобы 6 и задней линесбросной скобы 7. Бегунок 5 выполнен в виде втулки с крепежным ушком 8. К бегунку 5 подсоединен амортизирующий концевой участок линя 4, продетый цельным без разрыва через трубчатый амортиз