The imaging system (100) includes an annular bearing (404) having an isocenter (406). The annular bearing (404) includes a stationary side (4041) and a rotatable side (4042) having at least one alignment structure (420). The imaging system further includes a rotating gantry (410) mechanically coupled to the rotatable side (4042). The imaging system further includes imaging components (412, 416, 418). The imaging component includes at least one complementary alignment structure (602, 804) complementary to at least one alignment structure (420, 802, 1200) on the rotatable side. The rotating gantry is between the imaging component and the rotatable side, and the imaging component is aligned with the isocenter through at least one alignment structure and at least one complementary alignment structure.撮像システム(100)はアイソセンタ(406)を備える環状軸受(404)を含む。環状軸受(404)は静止的な側(4041)と少なくとも1つの整列構造(420)を備える回転可能な側(4042)とを含む。撮像システムは回転可能な側(4042)に機械的に連結される回転ガントリ(410)を更に含む。撮像システムは撮像構成部品(412,416,418)を更に含む。撮像構成部品は回転可能な側の少なくとも1つの整列構造(420,802,1200)と相補的である少なくとも1つの相補的な整列構造(602,804)を含む。回転ガントリは撮像構成部品と回転可能な側との間にあり、撮像構成部品は少なくとも1つの整列構造及び少なくとも1つの相補的な整列構造を通じてアイソセンタと整列させられる。