A construction method for a three-dimensional image is disclosed The method includes the following steps: acquiring a plurality of annular images converting the annular images into a plurality of corresponding strip images performing a comparison and binding process on the strip images to obtain at least one two-dimensional image performing a spatial matrix transformation according to the two-dimensional image so as to output a three-dimensional image. Using the construction method for the three-dimensional image to process the image information acquired by a ring field capsule, it is not only capable of converting two-dimensional images into the three-dimensional images to increase the accuracy of diagnosis of disease symptoms, but also enabling the medical personnel to make symptom judgment more convenient and faster.一種三維影像之建構方法,其步驟包括:擷取複數個環狀影像、將環狀影像轉換為對應之複數個條狀影像、自條狀影像進行影像之比對接合程序,以獲得至少一二維影像,以及根據二維影像進行空間矩陣轉換,據以輸出一三維影像。應用三維影像之建構方法對環場膠囊擷取到之影像資訊進行影像處理,不僅可將二維平面影像轉為三維立體影像,藉此提高了病徵點影像診斷之準確性,更提供醫療人員方便且快速進行病徵判別之參考。