- 专利权人:
- 花王株式会社
- 发明人:
- 草川 哲哉,坂橋 春夫
- 申请号:
- JP2008206269
- 公开号:
- JP5139199B2
- 申请日:
- 2008.08.08
- 申请国别(地区):
- JP
- 年份:
- 2013
- 代理人:
- 摘要:
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an absorbent article hard to cause a feeling of physical disorder at the time of wearing because the joining part accompanying forming a leakproof wall is not exposed to a skin contact surfaces and capable of enhancing the fitness to a wearer, twist preventing properties and leak preventing properties.
SOLUTION: This sanitary napkin 1 includes an absorbent body 5 equipped with a surface sheet 2, a back sheet 3 and an absorber 4 and the hollow loop-shaped leakproof walls 7 formed to both side parts 5a in the longitudinal direction of the absorbent body 5. The leakproof walls 7 are erected in an excretion region (a) so as to form a hollow loop shape. The joining part 8 of each of the loop-shaped leakproof walls 7 in the excretion region (a) is formed by joining one side part 6a of the stretchable sheet 6 to the skin contact surface in one side part 5a in the longitudinal direction of the surface sheet 2. The sanitary napkin 1 makes each of the joining parts 8 function so as to join the outer surface of the loop of each of the leakproof walls 7 (the sheet 61 on the side of a skin non-contact surface) to the surface sheet 2 to form the hollow leakproof walls 7.
- 来源网站:
- 中国工程科技知识中心