A hearing test system and the method for performing the same, in that MCL (maximum comfortable level) and BNL (background noise level) are found, which should be between the hearing ability threshold and the uncomfortable hearing threshold. The difference of the maximum comfortable level and the maximum background noise is the acceptable noise. Statistical digital data processing and model are used to develop a digital interactive speech and noise acceptable sound volume estimation system. Speeches from different people are provided to the patient and then the hearing reaction from the patient is recorded. The record data is analysis with the speeches and background noises so as to built the data of the patient. This is helpful for making the hearing assisting machine of the patient.本創作係有關於一種聽力測試系統及其方法。應用聽覺中樞生理機制及響音心理反應模型,根據最舒適閾值(MCL)音量及最大背景噪音值(BNL)應介於聽覺閾值與不舒適閾值之間;可接受噪音值為最舒適閾值及最大背景噪音值之差值的設定,以統計數位信號處理及模型的原理設計發展一套數位化互動式語音及噪音可接受音量評估系統平台,藉由量測患者的聽力生理及心理反應機轉,在平台上根據受試者響音生理反應及數位化互動決策運算模式,所產生之語音及背景噪音評估數據,針對就需求規劃平台系統架構,由語音及背景噪音訊號音檔、數位化決策介面、病患資料庫及互動式評估系統平台所組成。1...處理器10...語音及背景噪音訊號輸出校正介面模組11...受測室2...記憶體20...語音及背景噪音訊號音檔3...輸出輸入裝置30...測試及結果運算模組4...語音及背景噪音施測介面模組5...語音及背景噪音回饋介面模組6...控制鈕7...回應鈕8...揚聲器9...頭戴式耳