The present invention provides a measuring cup for pot culture watering, which is characterized in that: the measuring cup for watering is configured with a scale for water measurement, and is further configured with a mapping table for a pot culture size, time interval, and watering amount, wherein the pot culture size is from 2 inches to 6 inches, the time interval is based on seven days, and the watering amount is from 50 ml to 300 ml. After the consumer purchased the pot culture, he/she may apply suitable watering at suitable time simply based on the mapping table of the measuring cup, so as to well take care of the pot culture.一種盆栽專用的澆水量杯,主要在於:澆水量杯上設有量水用的刻度,該澆水量杯上還設有一盆栽尺寸、相隔時間以及澆水量的對照表,其中:盆栽尺寸由2英吋至6英吋、相隔時間以七天為標準、澆水量由50ml至300ml,提供消費者購買盆栽後,僅需依照澆水量杯上的對照表,在適當的時間澆上適當的水,即可以妥善照顧好盆栽,為其特徵者。20‧‧‧澆水量杯21‧‧‧澆水量刻度22‧‧‧盆栽尺寸刻度23‧‧‧相隔七天字樣