climbing platform (21) designed to climb up a pole or tree(1)cylindrical and vertically above the ground. on 360.degr\u00e9. ofin the circumference.height to allow the cable (6), as well as the quality of the post, orthe shaft (1).the platform (21) includes:a rope (4) fitted with a restraining strap (2) with two adjustablebarrures(3) used for adjustment in order to maintain the boom (4) in placedifferentsize of the pole or tree (1) allowing the climbing platform(21).to stand up.the climbing platform (21) is as follows:circular, collapsible and transportable metal or aluminum (or designthe other is equipped witha removable security guard (11) with barrures (15). supported by asupportthe main support (9), a guard (17) (18), and with barrures cablethe stabilizer(16). a main support (9) equipped with an electric winch (8) with a cable (6).connect by\"(5) to the boom (4) of the support roller (10) are adjustablethe tower ofpole or shaft (1), a removable seat (13) capable of rotating360.degr\u00e9. ismounted on a support (23), a 12 volt battery (22) for the winch (8)based on thesupport (20) in upper deck support with strap retractor \/ (7)based onthe main support (9), the security.barrure autobloquante double action(24)spring (12) equipped with an operating lever (14), (18) ski travelintegrated with thea platform (21).the climbing platform (21) according to claim 11 and 17 whichwhatthe assembly components include locking means 18, and 15positionassembled.Plateforme Auto-grimpante (21) conçu pour grimper dans un poteau ou un arbre(1) deforme cylindrique et verticale au-dessus du sol. Sur 360.degré. decirconférence, à lahauteur pouvant permettre le câble (6) ainsi que la qualité du poteau ou delarbre (1).Cette plateforme (21) comprend essentiellement :- Une potence (4) muni dune courroie de retenue ajustable (2) avec deuxbarruresdajustement (3) utilisé afin de maintenir la potence (4) en place surdifférentesgrosseurs de poteau ou arbre (1) permettant à la plateforme auto-gr