МАРСАЛА Мартин (US),ЙОХЕ Карл К. (US),ХЕЙЗЕЛ Томас Г. (US),КАКИНОХАМА Осаму (US),КОЛИАТСОС Вассилис (US),ЯНЬ Цзюнь (US),РИЕР Пол Дж. (US),ВЕЛАРДО Маргарет Дж. (US)
1. A method of culturing a mammalian nerve stem cell, excluding human embryonic cells resulting from the destruction of the embryo, comprising: providing a mammalian nerve stem cell; preliminary incubation in a culture vessel of a solution containing poly-D-lysine in a concentration of from 0.1 μg / ml up to 1 mg / ml for 5 minutes to 3 hours; rinsing and drying the culture vessel; sowing of nerve stem cells into the specified culture vessel in the absence of serum; addition of fibron solution ktina and at least one mitogen in a culture vessel and culturing the neural stem cells in the absence of serum; passaging cultured nerve stem cells to fusion. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the mitogen comprises a major fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). The method of claim 1, wherein the poly-D-lysine solution has a poly-D-lysine concentration of about 100 μg / ml. The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of incubating the culture vessel with the poly-D-lysine solution takes about 1 hour. The method according to claim 1, wherein the fibronectin solution has a fibronectin concentration of about 1 μg / ml. The method according to claim 1, wherein the solution of fibronectin and at least one mitogen is added to the pre-coated culture vessel simultaneously with plating of nerve stem cells. The method of claim 1, wherein the nerve stem cells are central nervous system tissue cells. The method of claim 7, wherein the central nervous system tissue includes spinal cord tissue. The method of claim 8, wherein the tissue of the central nervous system is obtained from posthumous1. Способ культивирования нервных стволовых клеток млекопитающего, исключая эмбриональные клетки человека, полученные в результате разрушения эмбриона, включающий:предоставление нервных стволовых клеток млекопитающего;предварительное инкубирование в культуральном сосуде раствора, содержащего поли-D-лизин в концентрации от 0,1 мкг/мл до 1 мг/мл в течение от 5 мин до 3 ч;ополаскивание и высушивание культур