Gracheva Natalya Vladimirovna,Грачева Наталья Владимировна,Sivolobova Natalya Olegovna,Сиволобова Наталья Олеговна,Zheltobryukhov Vladimir Fedorovich,Желтобрюхов Владимир Федорович,Sikorskaya Angelina
FIELD: biotechnologies.SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to the production of a biopolymer of plant origin, melanin having a high biological activity and can be used for the production of biologically active and food additives. Method for producing melanin from sunflower pellets, comprising washing with the water of unmilled pellets of sunflower, drying at a temperature of 90–110 °C to free-flowing state, grinding the prepared pellets to particles with a transverse dimension of not more than 1 mm, extraction with 0.1–0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution, filtration, adding of 25 % hydrochloric acid solution while mixing with pH of 1.5, separation of formed flocculent melanin precipitate by filtration, drying in air under normal conditions, and the extractant is formed during the extraction process with the successive addition to the extraction of the sample of sodium hydroxide from the calculation of its final concentration in a solution of 0.1–0.5 M and water in 2 stages: in the first stage – 20 % of the required amount from the calculation of the total mass ratio of raw extractant, equal to 1:10, and in the second stage after mixing the obtained mixture for 45 minutes – the remaining amount of water and re-mixing, and after filtration, the remaining raw material is washed with water in a mass equal to a tripled mass of the feedstock, and the washings are added to the extract.EFFECT: use of the above described method allows to increase the efficiency of raw materials use, the purity of melanin, to shorten the duration of the process.1 cl, 5 ex, 1 tblПредложенное изобретение относится к получению биополимера растительного происхождения - меланина, обладающего высокой биологической активностью, и может быть использовано для производства биологически активных и пищевых добавок. Способ получения меланина из лузги подсолнечника, включающий промывание водой неизмельченной лузги подсолнечника, сушку при температуре 90-110°C до сыпучего состояния, измельчение подготовленной