In order that the American rice bran is utilized effectively, it designated that the water soluble polysaccharide is extracted efficiently as topic. It cannot utilize as daietarihuaiba as the physical properties of the food and functional material which improves function functional other things or it designated that it examines as purpose. Under hot condition, it extracted the American rice bran under acidic conditions, obtaining the knowledge which can extract the functional polysaccharide which is the cell wall constitution component efficiently it reached the point of. In addition, the water soluble polysaccharide of this invention obtaining the knowledge which functioning is done reached the point of functional other things as daietarihuaiba as a emulsifier.米糠を有効活用するべく、効率よく水溶性の多糖類を抽出することを課題とした。ダイエタリーファイバーとしての機能の他に食品の物性や機能を改良する機能性素材として利用できないか検討することを目的とした。米糠を高温条件下、酸性条件で抽出し、細胞壁構成成分である機能性多糖類を効率よく抽出できる知見を得るに到った。加えて本発明の水溶性多糖類はダイエタリーファイバーとしての機能の他に乳化剤として機能する知見を得るに到った。