The new type is a selection aid device for the optimization of intraocular lens, which is arranged on the circuit board of an electronic device, and the selection aid device includes: a detection and selection component for generating at least one eyeball parameter, a medical record parameter storage component for recording at least one clinical parameter, and a central processing module for comparing the eyeball parameter and generating at least one correction. Parameters to assist the user in selecting the intraocular lens that meets the patient's needs.With the above structure, eyeball parameters are obtained by using user input or information link detection instrument, and a more objective and less error correction parameter is generated by integrating eyeball parameters with central processing module, so as to avoid misjudgment and improve the accuracy of operation.本新型為有關一種人工水晶體最佳化之選擇輔助裝置,係設於一電子裝置之電路基板上,且該選擇輔助裝置包含:一供產生至少一眼球參數之檢測選擇組件、一供記錄至少一臨床參數之病歷參數儲存件、及一中央處理模組,係供比對該眼球參數,並產生至少一校正參數,以輔助使用者選擇符合病患需求之人工水晶體。藉上述結構,利用使用者輸入或資訊連結檢測儀器之方式取得眼球參數,並利用中央處理模組整合各眼球參數而運算產生一較客觀、誤差較小之校正參數,以避免判斷錯誤情事及提升手術準確度。