FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to confectionery industry. Method of producing porous jelly confectionery products with water content of not less than 10 % includes preparation of confectionary mass using food hydrocolloid with heating and mixing; cooling of hydrocolloid mass, addition of gas-forming agent and gas generation initiator; dispensing confectionary mass into containers or molds. At that, gas-forming agent and gas-forming initiator reacting with release of gas with delay in time after addition, is added at the moment, when temperature of confectionary mass exceeds temperature of its gel formation. Release of gas with delay in time is provided due to acidification of medium with delay relative to moment of introduction of gas generation initiator by hydrolysis of gas generation initiator during at least 5–20 minutes from the moment of its addition to weight of confectionary product. After pouring the mass is cooled down to the temperature below the gel formation temperature and the solidifying mass is held for the process of bubbles formation in the confectionary product volume. Gas generation initiator used is at least one salt derivative of a series of phosphoric acids or an organic acid salt or an anhydride of an organic acid or an organic acid lactone or an organic acid lactide.EFFECT: technical result consists in simplification of method, reduction of its staginess, use of simple equipment, production of confectionary products with uniform distribution of gas bubbles throughout volume of product, preventing their surfacing to surface.11 cl, 1 dwg, 5 exИзобретение относится к кондитерской отрасли пищевой промышленности. Способ получения пористых желейных кондитерских изделий с содержанием воды не менее 10% включает приготовление кондитерской массы с использованием пищевого гидроколлоида с нагревом и перемешиванием; охлаждение массы гидроколлоида, добавление газообразователя и инициатора газообразования; розлив кондитерской массы в тар