Orel Aleksandr Mikhajlovich (RU),Орел Александр Михайлович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to diagnostics in orthopedics, and can be used for assessment of spine statics. Using a digital X-ray apparatus, radiography of each spine in a sagittal and frontal projection with a vertical patient with a focal distance from the rack of the digital X-ray apparatus to the X-ray tube of not less than 150 cm. On the obtained digital X-ray images of the vertebral column, images of the same vertebrae are found and aligned until complete coincidence of their dimensions and contours, after which two matched digital images are obtained: one in the frontal projection, the second in the sagittal projection. Occipital vertical is determined on a computer monitor on both obtained combined images from the most protruding point of the external occipital protrusion – inion, vertical is performed along all spinal segments. On combined image of spinal column in sagittal projection there is a line connecting two extreme points of lower contour of vertebral body CII, as in fig. 1, this section is measured in millimeters and called "órel". On the combined image in the sagittal projection, perpendicular to the occipital vertical, until the intersection with it, the following horizontal lines are made, which are called "distance" and are measured in units of "órel". Distance of the base of the skull iCr – from the top of tooth CII to the occipital vertical. Distance of the middle portion of the cervical segment iNm (CV) is from the point of the dorsal lower angle of the X-ray image of the CV vertebra to the occipital vertical. Cervical distance iN (CVII) – from dorsal lower angle of image of vertebra CVII to occipital vertical. Distance of the upper thoracic spine of iBup (TII) is from the dorsal lower angle of the TII vertebra image to the occipital vertical. Distance of the middle part of the thoracic spine Bm (TVII) – from the dorsal lower angle of the vertebral image to the occipital vertical. Thoracic portion of the i