It regards the penta- Eli pickpocket tall derivative and its production method, and includes this the liquid crystal base where this invention, the case of application to the skin, improves the moisture maintenance ability of horny layer, regarding especially dry environment shows high preservation moisture power, is displayed with the below-mentioned chemical formula 1.(In the above-mentioned formula, R mutually the same or includes the hydrogen or hydroxy basis which differs, or or the carbon count it is the alkyl group which includes the saturation and the unsaturated and direct, divergence chain 1 which is not included or 24 As for m 0 or 10, as for n 1 or 10 mutually the same or it is the integer which differs.)本発明は、皮膚への適用の際に、角質層の水分維持能力を向上させ、特に乾燥環境においても高い保湿力を示す、下記化学式1で表されるペンタエリスリトール誘導体及びその製造方法、並びにこれを含む液晶ベースに関する。(上記式中、Rは、互いに同じか又は異なる水素またはヒドロキシ基を含むか、又は含まない炭素数1乃至24個の飽和、不飽和及び直鎖、分岐鎖を含むアルキル基であり;mは0乃至10、nは1乃至10の互いに同じか又は異なる整数である。)