In one embodiment, the present invention is directed to a firstoligonucleotide comprising the sequence of or derived from 5'-CTAGGGCGGGCGGGACTCACCTAC-3' or the nucleic acid sequence complementarythereto. The first oligonucleotide can be used with a nucleic acid of between15 and 30 nucleotides that does not comprise the sequence of the firstoligonucleotide and is found in the region from V.beta. to J.beta. of theV.beta.13.1 gene in V.beta.13.1 T cells, wherein the sequences of theoligonucleotide and the nucleic acid are not found on the same strand of theV.beta.13.1 gene pair, to amplify a portion of the V.beta.13.1 gene.Alternatively, the first oligonucleotide can be used with a labeling moiety inmethods of detecting a LGRAGLTY motif found in T cell receptors of V.beta.13.1T cells. This motif is associated with autoimmune diseases, such as multiplesclerosis (MS). Once the motif is detected, the autoimmune disease can betreated or its progress monitored. The autoimmune disease can be treated byadministering a peptide comprising the LGRAGLTY motif.