Heart chamber prosthetic valve implants with base, mesh, and dome portions with a single lumen fixation for preservation, supplementation, and / or replacement of native valve function
Various embodiments of the present invention include (1) preservation of native valve function; (2) initial preservation of native valve function, with complete replacement of subsequent native valve function; (3) native valve function. And / or (4) to prevent an anterior displacement of the leaflet that deviates into the left atrial cavity above the upper annulus to preserve as much as possible the native leaflet functionality Including a single-lumen retractable and expandable prosthetic valve implantation device, including the ability to reduce the deviation distance of a dysfunctional valve leaflet. The expanded and implanted device does not extend beyond the boundary of the subject's heart chamber, e.g., the left atrium, thereby providing complete replacement of subsequent native valve function, if necessary. Allows preservation of the remaining native valve function involved. [Selection] Figure 1本発明の様々な実施形態は、(1)生来の弁機能の保存;(2)その後の生来の弁機能の完全な置換を伴う、生来の弁機能の初期保存;(3)生来の弁機能の完全な置換;および/または(4)生来の弁尖機能性を可能な限り保存するために、上部環状面の上方で左心房腔内への逸脱する弁尖の前方偏位を防止することによる機能不全弁尖の逸脱距離の緩和、の能力を含む、単腔の収縮可能かつ拡張可能な人工弁移植装置を含む。拡張され移植された装置は、対象の心腔、例えば左心房の境界を越えて延在せず、それによって、必要であれば、必要に応じて、その後の生来の弁機能の完全な置換を伴う残りの生来の弁機能の保存を可能にする。【選択図】図1