Planting device for fish-vegetable symbiosis system capable of maintaining the ecological balance among the plants in the planting tank and aquatic creatures and hydroponic plants in the culture tank
The present invention relates to a planting device of a fish-vegetable symbiosis system, in which at least one planting tank is connected with a pumping device and a culture tank through a plurality of conveying pipes to construct a fish-vegetable symbiosis system, wherein, at least one filter layer and one nutrient layer are arranged in the planting tank, the filter layer comprises a plurality of filter materials for purifying the water quality in the culture tank and for supplying nutrients needed for the growth of aquatic organisms and hydroponic plants. The nutrient layer is located above the filter layer, which is used for the rooting of a plurality of plants planted in the planting tank and for supplying nutrients needed for the growth of the plants. Through the arrangement of the filter layer and the nutrient layer, the ecological balance among the plants in the planting tank and aquatic creatures and hydroponic plants in the culture tank is maintained, and the growth environment between these two layers is improved, facilitating the growth of animals and plants.本發明為一種魚菜共生系統之植栽裝置,其係由至少一植栽槽透過複數個輸送管路與一抽水裝置、一養殖槽相連接,以建構出一魚菜共生系統。其中,植栽槽內設置至少一過濾層以及養分層,過濾層中具有複數個濾材,該些濾材係用於淨化養殖槽中之水質,並供給水中生物和水耕植物成長所需之養分。養分層位於過濾層上方,其係供複數個種植於植栽槽內之植物著根,並供給該些植物生長所需之養分。藉由過濾層以及養分層之設置,以維持植栽槽內之植物,以及養殖槽中之水中生物和水耕植物之間的生態平衡,並改善兩者之間的生長環境以利於動、植物成長。1‧‧‧植栽裝置10‧‧‧植栽槽102‧‧‧過濾層1022‧‧‧濾材104‧‧‧養分層20‧‧‧植物22‧‧‧水耕植物30‧‧‧輸送管路50‧‧‧抽水裝置70‧‧‧養殖槽