ВЕРХАГЕ Дидье О. М. (BE),ВАН ОВЕРБЕКЕ Стевен Г. М. (BE),ВЕРСХАВЕ Фредерик (BE),ДЮМАРЕЙ Робрехт М. К. (BE),МИССОТТЕН Барт М. А. (BE),КОППЕ Давид (BE),МЕЙС Фредерик (BE)
1. An agricultural machine comprising a feeding device (1) and a removable header (2), wherein the feeding device comprises means for lifting the header from the ground or from the trailer, the lifting means comprising a supporting structure (3) for supporting the beam (4), and similar, located on the header, characterized in that: the feeding device (1) contains at least one rotating cam (15) located lower than the supporting structure (3), and actuating means (10) for turning the cam (15 ) around the axis (14), while the cam and the means are made with the possibility of: - maintaining the lower part of the header (2) at a distance from the feeder, after the header has been lifted from the ground or the trailer, by pulling the cam (15) towards the header, and - gradually reducing the distance between the header the device and the header by turning the cam (15) away from the header, while the header is provided with a support surface (17) with which the cam contacts in the process of at least part of its rotation, while the feed device (1) further comprises at least the first hook (16), made with the possibility of rotation by the said activating means (10) around the specified axis (14), while maintaining a fixed relative position relative to the cam (15), while the specified position is such that the hook (16 ) turns towards the header while the cam moves away from the header so that the hook thereby grips the rod or pin (18) located on the header, thereby attaching the header to the feed device; agricultural machine equipped with1. Сельскохозяйственная машина, содержащая подающее устройство (1) и съемную жатку (2), при этом подающее устройство содержит средство для подъема жатки от земли или от прицепа, причем подъемное средство содержит несущую конструкцию (3) для поддержки балки (4) и тому подобное, расположенную на жатке, отличающаяся тем, что:подающее устройство (1) содержит по меньшей мере один вращающийся кулачок (15), расположенный ниже, чем несущая конст