The invention relates to a microorganism as a carrier of nucleotide sequences cod-ing for antigens and protein toxins comprising the following components: (I) at least one nucleotide sequence coding for at least one complete or partial antigen of at least one wild-type or mutated protein; and (II) at least one nucleotide sequence coding for at least one protein toxin and/or at least one protein toxin subunit; and (III) a) at least one nucleotide sequence coding for at least one transport system which enables the ex-pression of the expression products of component (I) and component (II) on the outer surface of the microorganism and/or enables the secretion of the expression products of component (I) and component (II); and/or coding for at least one signal sequence which enables the secretion of the expression products of component (I) and compo-nent (II); and/or (III) b) optionally, at least one nucleotide sequence coding for at least one protein for lysing the microorganism in the cytosol of mammalian cells and for in-tracellularly releasing plasmids or expression vectors, which are contained in the lysed microorganism; and (IV) at least one nucleotide sequence for at least one activation sequence for the expression of one or more of components (I) to (III), wherein said activation sequence can be activated in the microorganism and/or is tissue cell-specific, tumor cell-specific, macrophage-specific, dendrite-specific, lymphocyte-specific, func-tion-specific or non-cell-specific"; wherein any of components (I) to (IV) can be present either once or several times and either identical or different. Also disclosed are a proc-ess of manufacturing thereof, corresponding plasmids or expression vectors and uses of the microorganism as a medicament.本發明關於包含下列組成分之作為編碼抗原和蛋白質毒素之核苷酸序列的載體之微生物:(Ⅰ)至少一種編碼至少一種野生型或突變之蛋白質的至少一種完全或部分抗原之核苷酸序列;及(Ⅱ)至少一種編碼至少一種蛋白質毒素及/或至少一種蛋白質毒素次單位之核苷酸序列;及(Ⅲ)a)至少一種編碼至少一種轉運系統之核苷酸序列,該轉運系統可使組成分(Ⅰ)及組成分(Ⅱ)之表現產物表現在該微生物之外表面上及/或可使組成分(Ⅰ)及組成分(Ⅱ)之表現產物分泌;及/或至少一種編碼至少一種信號序列