To develop transplant cells for immunotherapy that can target a wider range of patients than conventional transplant cells for immunotherapy and that do not cause severe GVH disease. The present invention provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising cells derived from human hematopoietic stem cells. In the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention, any one locus of the human HLA class I molecule of the cell contains at least one antigen whose matched type of the cell matches that of the patient. In addition, the human HLA class I and II molecular loci of the cells contain at least one antigen whose compatible type of the cells does not match that of the patient, and the cells derived from the hematopoietic stem cells are in the body of the patient. Thus, neither permanent engraftment nor acute GVH disease of severity III or IV occurs.従来の免疫療法用移植細胞よりも広範囲の患者を対象とすることができ、かつ、一過性に生着して重症のGVH病も起こさない、免疫療法用移植細胞を開発すること。本発明はヒト造血幹細胞由来の細胞を含む医薬品組成物を提供する。本発明の医薬品組成物において、前記細胞のヒトHLAクラスI分子のいずれか1つの遺伝子座は、前記細胞の適合型が患者の適合型と一致する抗原を少なくとも1個含む。また、前記細胞のヒトHLAクラスI及びII分子の遺伝子座は、前記細胞の適合型が患者の適合型と一致しない抗原を少なくとも1個含み、かつ、前記造血幹細胞由来の細胞は前記患者の体内で、永続的生着も、重症度III又はIVの急性GVH病も起こさない。