Uso di una miscela confezionata di vegetali in pezzi distinti per la preparazione di succhi mediante centrifugazione o estrazione e procedimento di preparazione di tali succhi
The present invention relates to the use of a packed mixture of fresh edible vegetables in discrete pieces (whole pieces and/or portioned) for the preparation of vegetable juices by means of centrifugation and/or extraction or for the preparation of smoothies and/or milkshakes. Such mixture can be made of at least one fruit and/or at least one vegetable, and preferably comprises an amount of fresh edible vegetables in discrete pieces comprised between 300 g and 700 g. The present invention also relates to the preparation of a juice by means of centrifugation of or extraction from a mixture of the aforementioned type and for the preparation of a smoothie or a milkshake from a mixture of the aforementioned type. The mixture for the use according to the present invention allows to speed up the preparation of vegetable juices by means of common centrifuges or extractors, smoothies and milkshakes avoiding the traditional processes of trimming, washing and cutting into pieces of the vegetables that precede their use in such centrifuges or extractors, without altering the freshness and the genuineness of the resulting juice.