Tumor mixtures induced by Epstein-Barr virus (EB) consist of E.coli mutant polyurethane.I can build a single channel.And it has G11A mutation.H22G,A26G,V31L and H40D,A. Mime ether polyurethane with anti-EB virus antibody or anti-EB virus;2. The coding gene of this polyurethane;Reconstitution code including the gene2. The preparation method of this polyurethane;2. Medical uses of this polyurethane;Mutant polyacrylonitrile polyacrylic acid and SEC N 24 (with G11A mutation)H22G,A26G,(V31L and H40D);2. The coding gene of this polyurethane;I use this gene.
T. Oacute; n anti HIV induced tumor; eacute; N gene encoding polip amp; eacute; impregnation; recombinant and amp plasma; oacute; N gene containing; use polyurethane to treat and prevent EB. lt virus induced tumor; / P gt;<;p>;Polipé;ptido de fusió;n contra tumor inducido por virus EB; gen que codifica el polipé;ptido; plasmido de recombinació;n que comprende el gen; uso de polipé;ptido para tratar y prevenir tumor causado por virus EB.<;/p>;