A phototherapeutic device, comprising: a member of the tip of the flexible optical fiber having a core for transmitting light, the member of the tip of the flexible optical fiber includes a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the diameter of the end proximal is larger than the diameter of the distal end, and where the proximal end curves to cause light to enter the member of the flexible tip through the proximal end to converge; and an elastic tubular connector sleeve, to mechanically couple the member of the flexible tip to a light source, wherein the sleeve includes a proximal end having an opening and a distal end having an opening, the proximal end is configured to be stretch and mechanically attach to the light source; wherein the member of the tip of the flexible optical fiber is partially disposed within the sleeve, so that the distal end of the member of the tip of the flexible optical fiber extends distally through the opening at the distal end of the sleeve, and the proximal end of the flexible fiber optic tip member is disposed within the sleeve and between the proximal and the distal end of the sleeve, thereby being configured to position the flexible fiber optic tip member near the source bright.Un dispositivo fototerapéutico, que comprende: un integrante de la punta de la fibra óptica flexible que tiene un núcleo para transmitir luz, el integrante de la punta de la fibra óptica flexible incluye un extremo proximal y un extremo distal, en donde el diámetro del extremo proximal es mayor que el diámetro del extremo distal, y en donde el extremo proximal se curva para causar que la luz entre en el integrante de la punta flexible a través del extremo proximal para converger; y un manguito conector tubular elástico, para acoplar mecánicamente el integrante de la punta flexible a una fuente luminosa, en donde el manguito incluye un extremo proximal que tiene una apertura y un extremo distal que tiene una apertura, el extremo proximal se configura para que