FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine and may be used for normalising the general body status. A method includes cyclic massage techniques: surface stroking - the most gentle touch and hand sliding over the body swaying - gradual alternate swaying and displacement of various patients body parts herring-bone pattern - hand reciprocations and circular hand motions from buttocks to neck and back, from buttocks to heels and back skin displacement - patients skin displacement by a relaxed masseurs hand circularly with advancing a hand lengthways or across the body cover pattern - permanent change of palm inclination to a treated body surface and its constant rotation with advancing a masseurs hand from buttocks to neck and back, from buttocks to heels and back plane pattern - overcoming initial joint flexion/extension resistance followed by joint return to normal position without patients resistance. Surface stroking is performed in the beginning of each cycle always with weak force of action, while the other techniques are applied in any sequence with varying force of masseurs palm action in each cycle - in the beginning the techniques are performed with weak force of action, then with medium, strong, medium and with weak force of action again.EFFECT: method provides higher massage efficiency, lower masseurs fatigue and professional disease rate caused by constants compression of palm joints, premature deterioration of cartilaginous tissue of the joints.4 cl, 17 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине и может быть использовано для нормализации общего состояния организма. Способ включает циклическое осуществление массажных приемов: поверхностное поглаживание - нежнейшее прикосновение и скольжение руками по телу раскачивание - постепенное попеременное раскачивание и смещение различных частей тела пациента елочка - возвратно-поступательные движения рук и круговое движение кистей от ягодиц к шее и обратно, от ягодиц к пяткам и обратно смещение кожи - смещение