The present invention relates to mutants of lactic acid bacteria which are resistant towards the antibiotic D-cycloserine and/or functionally equivalent antibiotics and which were found to give an increased texture when grown in milk while maintaining the other growth properties of the parent strain. The present invention, furthermore, relates to compositions comprising such mutants, and to dairy products fermented with the lactic acid bacteria resistant towards D-cycloserine and/or functionally equivalent antibiotics.本発明は、抗生物質D-シクロセリン及び/又は機能的に同等な抗生物質に対する耐性を有し、親株の他の増殖特性を維持しつつ、乳中で増殖させた場合に増加したテクスチャを与えることが発見された乳酸菌の突然変異体に関する。本発明はさらに、かかる突然変異体を含む組成物、並びにD-シクロセリン及び/又は機能的に同等な抗生物質に対する耐性を有する乳酸菌で発酵させた乳製品に関する。