The gate device for controlling irrigation water flow is mainly the agricultural canal of pipe bundle pipeline. It uses simple installation to control irrigation water flow, including a method.
Mainly used for regulating irrigation water flow gate devices, mainly: Agr Amp canal; IACUTE; pipe tail, in R AMP; EACUTE; GIMEN de L AMP; AACUTE; simple installation of free ore; OACUTE; control of such water flow including C AMP; N; AACUTE; optional MARA; Inspection and Safety Inspection; Oacute; Connect to the second CIL AMP pipe by connecting with the output plug of the connecting pipe; IACUTE; NDRICO corresponding to C AMP; AACUTE; MARA de Regulation CI AMP; OACUTE; N; ESA C AMP; AACUTE; MARA contains an input plug.An output plug and a controlled flow output pipe. C AMP; AACUTE; MARA Regulation CI AMP; OACUTE; N consists of a shell containing a circular tube with a circular bottom and a threaded tube inside, which can be connected with 3 or M AMP; AACUTE; wheels; CONC AMP; EACUTE; NTRICA A LA TUBER AMP; IACUTE; If you have registered, please login first. PundaC AMP; AACUTE; MARA is equipped with a top cylinder as a support ring, which has more than one semi-enclosed surface, including a drilling and AMP; OACUTE; N circumference, to accommodate an engine or a rotary handle, inserted in this drilling and AMP; OACUTE; N; Nillo bracket includes an internal vacuum allowing inspection and security; Oacute; N is exported from the top and welded to Tuber Amp; IACUTE; external corrugated or C AMP case; AACUTE; MARA. LT; /P GT;<;p>;DISPOSITIVO COMPUERTA PARA REGULAR CAUDALES DE AGUA DE RIEGO PRINCIPALMENTE CANALES AGRÍ;COLAS ENTUBADOS, BAJO RÉ;GIMEN DE LÁ;MINA LIBRE, DE SIMPLE INSTALACIÓ;N Y QUE REGULA CONTROLADAMENTE DICHOS CAUDALES QUE COMPRENDE UNA CÁ;MARA OPCIONAL DE INSPECCIÓ;N CONECTADA POR MEDIO DE UN CONECTOR DE SALIDA CON UN DUCTO CONECTOR QUE LO CONECTA CON UN SEGUNDO DUCTO CILÍ;NDRICO QUE CORRESPONDE A UNA CÁ;MARA DE REGULACIÓ;N; DICHA CÁ;MARA INCORPORA UN CONECTOR DE ENTRADA, UN CONECTOR DE SALIDA Y UN DUCTO DE SALIDA DE CAUDAL CONTROLADO. LA CÁ;MARA DE REGULACIÓ;N SE COMPONE DE U