Perfilova Olga Viktorovna,Перфилова Ольга Викторовна,Magomedov Gazibeg Omarovich,Магомедов Газибег Омарович,Magomedov Magomed Gasanovich,Магомедов Магомед Гасанович,Babushkin Vadim Anatolevich,Бабушки
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: method for preparing marshmallows with the use of apple paste is proposed, in which the apple paste is first prepared from marc formed after separating 40-45% juice from crushed apples, for which they are heated to the temperature of 80-90°C by microwave treatment, mashed, and 0.5% of citric acid in the form of an aqueous solution and 5% of malt extract are added to the resulting puree, then the mixture is boiled out in a vacuum apparatus at the residual pressure of 21-23 kPa and the temperature of 70°C to the content of dry substances of 40%, then the apple paste, which is an additive enriching with biologically active substances, a natural colouring and a flavouring, is reconstituted with water to the content of dry substances of 10%, granulated sugar is added, stirred until the sugar dissolves, egg white is introduced and the mass is whipped for 20 -25 minutes, then agar-sugar-treacle syrup with a temperature of 85°C is introduced in the whipped mass, gently stirring the mixture on a low rotation speed for 1 min, and lactic acid is added at the end of stirring, then the finished marshmallow mass is directed to moulding, curing and dusting with sugar powder. The formulation ingredients are used at the following ratio, kg per 1 ton of finished products: granulated sugar 670.8 sugar powder 29.9 treacle 130.4 apple paste 102.4 egg white 65.0 agar 6.1 glycerin 2.5 lactic acid 6.7.EFFECT: invention allows to improve organoleptic quality indices such as colour, taste, and aroma, while preserving the structural-mechanical and physicochemical indices of marshmallow quality, as well as to impart functional properties to the product due to enrichment with antioxidants and mineral substances, as well as to reduce the sucrose content.2 exИзобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к производству зефира. Предложен способ приготовления зефира с использованием яблочной пасты, в котором сначала готовят яблочную пасту из выжимок, обр