ALIPOV, Alexandr Andreevich;АЛИПОВ, Александр Андреевич
ALIPOV, Alexandr Andreevich,АЛИПОВ, Александр Андреевич
The invention relates to veterinary science. An extrarenal blood purification procedure is performed to remove toxins from the blood. Baseline parameters of urea and creatinine in the blood serum are measured during the blood purification procedure; on the basis of the data obtained, a dialysis intensity index (DII) is determined as the ratio of the patient's total fluid volume to the volume of the fluid purified of toxins and a uremic toxin accumulation index (UTAI) is determined as the rate of accumulation of the quantity of urea or creatinine per unit of time. Moreover, it is deemed necessary to repeat the haemodialysis procedure if the UTAI value for urea is more than 0.5 and/or the UTAI value for creatinine is more than 8, and/or the DII value is less than 0.9. In particular, in order to prevent thrombosis, an anticoagulant, dalteparin sodium, is administered to the animal by i/v infusion at a dosage of 35 IU/kg body weight followed by an i/v drip injection at a rate of 15 IU/kg/h. The method allows the UTAI values for urea and creatinine to be determined in each inter-dialysis period, changes in filtration ability of the kidneys to be observed, and a prediction to be made of whether or not repeat haemodialysis is required; the use of said procedure significantly increases the life expectancy of the animal.L'invention se rapporte à la médecine vétérinaire. On effectue une procédure de purification extra-rénale du sang pour éliminer les toxines. On mesure les indices principaux d'urée et de créatine du sérum sanguin lors de l'exécution d'une procédure de purification du sang, on détermine sur la base des données obtenues un indice IID (indice d'intensité de dialyse) comme étant une relation entre tout le volume de liquide du patient et le volume de liquide débarassé des toxines, et un ICTU (incide de croissance des toxines urémiques) comme valeur de croissance de la quantité d'urée ou de créatine par unité de temps. On détermine la nécessité d'une procédure répé