Health food and cosmetics to increase the number of natural and man-made cells, reduce the number of necrotic cells, and adopt a method to produce an ingredient derived from grape seeds, the growth of which is forced to lead to disease outbreak, so as to increase the number of natural and man-made disaster cells and reduce the number of necrotic cells no
At present, a kind of healthy anti-aging food and cosmetics is provided, which can prevent aging more effectively than any known anti-aging substance (such as resveratrol), and a method for producing anti-aging ingredients produced by grape seeds is provided with the best effect. Anti aging: according to the present invention, healthy anti aging and anti aging cosmetic foods include an anti aging ingredient made from grape seeds, which contains 60% or more of polyphenols made from pure grape seeds.<;p>;EN LA PRESENTE SE PROPORCIONA UN ALIMENTO Y COSMÉ;TICO SALUDABLE ANTIENVEJECIMIENTO QUE TIENE MEJOR EFECTO ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO QUE CUALQUIER SUSTANCIA CONOCIDA QUE SE ESPERA TENGA EFECTO ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO, TAL COMO RESVERATROL, Y UN MÉ;TODO DE FABRICACIÓ;N DE UN INGREDIENTE ANTIENVEJECIMIENTO DERIVADO DE SEMILLA DE UVA QUE TIENE EL MEJOR EFECTO ANTIENVEJECIMIENTO; EL ALIMENTO SALUDABLE ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO Y COSMÉ;TICO ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO DE ACUERDO CON LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N COMPRENDEN UN INGREDIENTE ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO DERIVADO DE SEMILLA DE UVA QUE CONSISTE DE 60 % P O MÁ;S DE POLIFENOL DERIVADO DE SEMILLA DE UVA PURIFICADA EN CRUDO.<;/p>;